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Dissection - Turtle

Taxonomic Classification: 

Domain: Eukaryote

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Raptilia

Order: Testudines


Genus: Chelonia Mydas

Species: Loggerhead



Turtles eat: Crickets, Mealworms, Comet Goldfish and Kale.

Their digestion contains two regions, both the cranical fundic and caudal phyloric. Turtles lack in mucous glands but do possess salivary glands. When focusing on sea turtles, their lifespans go to a century long. They begin with six weeks on the beach, but after that their exact whereabouts in the ocean are often unknown until they 

return. Their ecosystems are along the tropical, subtropical and of course the ocean. 

Things I learned: 

  • They don't have teeth but a beak

  • Their heart has what seemed like 3 parts

  • Our turtle had been a male 

Animal Domestication

For starters, domestication is when we form animals and change certain factors (Food, environment, ext.) to develop how they grow and to control their strengths and weaknesses. This make take generations to form certain human needs though. Due to this process, we find that none of the animals are very similar, not necessarily only physically either. During our project, we all studied different aspects and how each animal may or may not be affected differently.


We begun by comprehending what domestication was, to later move onto genes and chromosomes. We transitioned so we could go more into depth of how domestication works, and how mitosis and meiosis plays a part along side pedigrees. This can lead to pedigrees and even though we used humans and disease this can be used for animals and traits. We worked on several things that were eventually all connected to the base of domestication.


​My project was studying if the age of a dog affects how they interact with cats. It is assumed that puppies are very friendly with cats and I wanted to prove if this is what realistically happens. I simply sent out a survey to my peers and while waiting I did a slight amount of research and read other people’s stories. I found that the dog’s feelings were all over the board, no matter what their age. Therefore, a dog’s age does not affect how they interact with cats. I learned that there are also many factors, this could be the cat’s age or who lived at the home first.

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