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3-2-Q Reflection

I switched to Animas this year and the first few months went by in a rush. For starters, I had switched mainly due to peers, and wanting a new start at a new school. I quickly found that I adjusted well, and found to love the idea of a project based school. For the first semester, I blew through exhibitions, took on new responsibilities and found a new favorite hobby. As I went on, there were struggles that I overcame, but still, continue to take on. So moving forward, I want to improve on both goal setting and having a positive mindset towards things.





This past semester, I recently grew a passion for photography. I put myself in many opportunities such as yearbook, a little of The Friday Show, and following with personal night photography. I stayed up for hours once, watching the slow show of meteors falling. I was alway staring, whether it was across the small lake or up beyond the trees.  I would get lost in the settings. Although it was most definitely a good way to go above with my simple learning, and I was constantly expanding my knowledge by doing so. When I participated in The Friday Show, I learned more strategies with my camera, including how to record, and knowing the little things that could negatively affect the outcome. Another way was during Digitals arts and the projects that took place. I've found several new tools and was able to use them when it came to my yearbook pages. What I noticed, is that I get to take away responsibility. Due to my work in my activities, it has to lead me into having to contact several people to set up timings for taking photos.



Speaking of responsibility, During these past few months, I have grown greatly outside of school. Starting with applying for jobs, earning and passing my test for my permit, and with my grades of course. I was accepted for a restaurant job, and work a good 3 days a week. I have a good plan set and soon in motion, I would like to participate in the upcoming trip to Japan where I will be making most of the payments. Soon after I began my job, I was set up with my permit. Those two alone are great accomplishments, but I do want to highlight my grades here. My family and I are impressed with how well I am doing academically. I have been able to hold my grades at A’s and hope to continue to do so for the second half of the school year.



Near the beginning of the year, I had participated in something completely new to me. It was one of the best ways to get me settled into the school; by being a part of an exhibition. The process was new to me, everything was necessary to continue to the next step. Starting with my first one, Storytelling during Ally’s humanities, for starters I thought it was an interesting way of presenting our learning. Also an entertaining way, with personal stories shared it’s easy to recognize that everyone has a hero’s journey.


Areas of Growth:


Goal Setting

I realized I could improve with is goal setting. I do this when it comes to social things for me, reminders on top saying “baby steps are still steps”. What I’ve been noticing is that when things aren't so great, I refer to better things and how to move on. My set goals are a significant reference when necessary. I would like to do set goals academically as well. Although I do well when it comes to grades, it is still a good reminder of accomplishments. For it's good to recognize the small things.



When it comes to finding happiness, whether it’s in small or large things, they are still good to recognize. Having a good mindset is important, it's basically creating your own happiness instead of finding it in things or people. This is a major thing I would like to improve on. There are phrases such as this, often seen but a recent favorite is “If you think it will happen, it probably will”. Obviously, this isn't for large things but I really think that if you think, “I'm going to fail this test”, and you believe that you will fail. This comes with over thinking as well, or as some put it, overstressing. This is a common thing for me that I hope to avoid as I continue into the next semester. This goes not only during school but outside as well.


Throughout the school year so far, I have advanced in several things. This includes my photography and responsibility. With the new changes for me as well, such as the exhibitions. I recently picked up on things I could improve on though. Socially, I've done goal setting before but I think it would be helpful if I were to continue into academics goals. Another thing to improve would be, being more positive and setting myself up with a better mindset.



What would it look like to see motivation in my work?

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