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Recipe - Churros

For this last project, we were to create a recipe focusing on conjugating for commands. After the recipe we were to make a video of ourselves making the food while speaking in Spanish the instructions. Following, I have a video of myself making churros, with my recipe to the side. 

Frida Kahlo Art Work







Our most current Spanish project is based off of the combination of anyone of our choice and a piece of artwork from Frida Kahlo, along with a biography with our person. We first read Frida Kahlo biography book to begin to grasp who she is, we later watched a film based on her life. We then had to choose an art piece of my choice, which had been Frida's most colorful one, left with a white face. I had replaced only the face with Rosa Parks, displaying her main features but the inside of her glasses blank to not see her eyes. 

Calavera Project

A Calavera Literaria is a traditional poem, featuring a character’s death, written for the Day of the Dead celebrations. These poems are meant to focus on their characteristics of those who have passed. Also not only do they present in poems but it is also known through illustrations. Mine is a poem, based on a simple person, whose personalities affect greatly on why they have died.


Mi Proyecto


La chica es muy torpe,

Y es fácilmente asustada.

Es exploradora en corazón pero

Visto como timida.


La chica camina al puente,

Cuando el puente rompió

De repente, ella se cae

Está aplastada debajo los ladrillos.

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